Happy CNY? Ya right..
Heya...finally posting after like...12 days? Hahaz...anyway got lots of stuff to update you guys about...should I start with the sickening stuff first or the exciting part first?Hmm....I would most probably choose the sickening part first...at least after that got the nice nice part...then can bring my anger down...hahaz....kk...let's cut the crap and start...Sickening part: having tests and project deadlines right in the WEEK before CNY...To be exact, its 2 tests and 1...2....3 project deadlines....Kaoz...can't NP give us a break?I mean, they can like...adjust the timing a bit right? Knowing that CNY is like right after our tests and projects, they can like understand our feeling of not being able to celebrate HAPPILY during CNY? People will be happily collecting $$ but us? We still have to worry about so many stuff after CNY..and the stress is already quite enough to bear lor...This part of the semester is always the most stress de....everything starts crumbling down during this few weeks...and all I can say is I'm ever distracted by lots of stuff...Drama shows to be exact...Now here comes the nice part, which I'm gonna crap more about...its afterall the nice part isn't it?Anyway, the part about drama shows...well, I'm currently being distracted by loads of them...hahaz...I did a quick summary of the shows I was watching the other time right?Well, I'm gonna update it now...based on the last summary, no. 4, 5 and 6 I finish watching le...BUT..there's 2 more new shows to replace them....1st one is GUNG..Korean of Palace....but I call it GONG (Chinese version)website: http://www.imbc.com/broad/tv/drama/gung/index.html2nd one is Chinese Paladin..aka Xian Jian Qi Xia Zhuan...website: http://www.ctv.com.tw/event/2005/pal/go check it out...I'm not going to say too much now....cause just started the 2 shows...all I can say is....GUNG's Xing is so much better looking than the first guy Lv...haiz....then Chinese Paladin got Singapore, China, Taiwan, HK?! actors and actresses...it's shown on Ch U 9pm every saturday, showing 2 episodes at one time...and NO REPEAT..so be sure to catch it if you want to...btw, Gung is only available through download...so is My Girl and Zhong Ji Yi Ban...hahaz...the rest you can find it on Ch 55 and 56 of SCV...heez.....Anyway, thats it for today...got to go sleep le..haiz...tml would be a tough day....got lots of work to start on...no time left...after working I shall watch all the shows I want...hahaz...Wish me luck in the week ahead...I REALLY need it to get me through...haiz...it's great to know that at least there will be some people going through it together with you...it helps to ease a little stress............at least you are not ALONE.
My Girl
Yeah~...just finish watching My Girl just now...hahaz....damn funny lar...but I wonder what will happen if they are really siblings ar? That will be very sad bah...haiz....Anyway, My Girl is a new korean drama show that jean introduced...*actually is hh tell me bout it de...den jean officially send me the episodes...hahahz~!* But it was pretty good...so far I've only manage to watch 2 episodes...slow but it is also good...so the nxt episodes can be watched throughout the week or something...so wun be so bored...hahaz...smart right?Before I watch My Girl of course got watch Zhong Ji Yi Ban (ZJYB) lor...hahaz...the show is getting more and more funny and more and more lame too...hahaz...episode 7 is really funny lar...can't stop laughing...haiz...I dunno how to say, only when you watch it then you will understand...ARGH!! I miss Hana Yori Dango!!! Man, hope there's a part 2 to it...and hurry up come out if there really is one...hahaz...for now at least got 2 shows to get me going...no...wait...let me do a counting of all the dramas I'm watching currently...hahaz...1. ZJYB!! (http://www.gtv.com.tw/Program/S051420051126P/) TW2. MY Girl (http://tv.sbs.co.kr/mygirl/) KR*3. My Lovely Sam Soon (http://www.imbc.com/broad/tv/drama/samsoon/index.html) KR*4. Save Your Last Dance For Me (http://tv.sbs.co.kr/last/index.html) KR*5. Fu Lu Shou San Xing Bao Xi (http://ch8c.mediacorptv.com/shows/drama/view/1630/.html) SG6. Zhen Ming Tian Nv (http://him.mofe.com.tw/) TW7. Tian Guo De Jia Yi (http://www.settv.com.tw/metro/m089/) TW8. Tian Ya Xia Yi (http://jade.tvb.com/drama/the_last_breakthrough/) HK9. Naruto II (http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/anime/naruto/index.html) JP*There...the shows I'm currently watching...hahaz...a lot right? Btw, the ones with * at the back means that I just started watching the shows...and 5, 6 are about to end soon....cool huh?!Hahaz...and I'm suppose to have a test tml...and I'm taking it very easily....haiz....what to do...later will still watch shows again....Btw, the no. 4, is bout the same as Wang Zi Bian Qing Wa...the guy about to regain his memory le..then the girl sure damn sad...hahaz...I'm gonna cry later.......bleah!Go watch no. 8 now...bye!!
Fahrenheit!!! AH!! Fei Lun Hai...saw them just now...on tv...with S.H.E.....hahaz....so cute lor....the 4 of them represent one part of the themometer....HOT is "Da Dong" (he's really hot!) , WARM is "Ya Se" (coz his smile is soooo warming!), the unknown guy is COOL (coz he look cool?!) and finally "Xiao Yu" is COLD (he IS cold looking..hahaz)...cute right?! Hahaz....and very suit them also..
Next, just watched Sky High...pretty cool...see so many people with super powers....hahaz.....then got one guy pretty hot...hahaz...literally hot.......anyway, I like the last few verses the boy said in the end...."My girlfriend became my arch-enemy, my arch-enemy became my best friend, & my best friend became my girlfriend!" Cute right? Hahaz...I got addicted to this verse lor...so funny...........Anyway, can go rent it on vcd/dvd...its out le....that is if you have the time to watch....can relax awhile...(take away stress?! not so sure..).....
Ya...my blog is getting crazier and crazier....cool huh?! Hahaz....want more pictures? I have one.....FAHRENHEIT!!!
COOL RIGHT?! OMG....just found out few days back...HAHAZ.......LOVE IT! *Wang Dong Chen very HOT right?! Hahaz....*PS: just brought down my MIEC texts from upstairs, but not bothering to read it today...Hey, at least it is an improvement right? At least I bother to bring it down and and.....leave it there. Whatever! Shall really start tml! *That is if I don't get distracted by anything again...Haiz...Why must the common test week be the first week of 2006?! Can't you just leave me alone first and let me calm myself down after the whole concert things?!*
Watched another movie today!! Hahaz....Zathura...well, was rather thrilling..I had to hid behind something while watching some parts...hahaz...only some parts lar....But overall, it was fun....got jumanji style...hahaz....and the little guy very cute lor...hahaz...his actions all very kawaii lor...then look so innocent...hahaz...his brother towards the ending also getting nicer to him....brotherhood...hahaz...Anyway, the sister also very stupid lor....didn't believe them in the first place...then when she kana then she know....haiz....she also another hua chi....just saw the guy's eyes then she say what can give her security, gonna stick to him forever....hahaz...in the end gave her a shock....hahaz...that part really funny lor....hahahz!! You all go and see lar....Today also very slack...watched the concert I recorded....and I was furthered impressed by Mayday's performance...to be exact, it's Ah Xin's performance...hahaz....he's really got the lead singer actions and look lor...hahaz....it was great lar...I never got bored at them even though they sang almost the same songs that they did at the Gao Xiong one...(I was watching the Tai Bei one) was still high during their performance...Come to think of it, I'm having a Miec test on thursday, and I'm still slacking....haiz....no jive....how?! I don't think I'll do well for it anyway...hahaz...haven't even start studying and already being so negative le hor......haiz..HOW?! How?! HoW?!!!!!PS: Oh ya...now I'm so interested in The Chronicles of Narnia that I want to buy the whole 7 series of it...I've even read up on the whole of Narnia and how it was created and how it ended...created by Aslan in Narnia Yr 1 (which is 1990 our year) and the 4 children went inside in the Narnia yr 1000...and the end of Narnia was in Year 3055 I think..in our year 1949......cool huh?! Although it is said to be a children's story book...I still want to read leh...hahaz......bleah!
The wonders of Narnia...
I haven't seen a movie in years that can be compared to the Lord of The Rings Trilogy....The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe was great...!I mean, the animations are also made by those of LOTR....and the scenes and everything was great...really fascinating...You can truely let your imagination run wild in it......To me, it is a great movie...great climax, great emotional journeys, it portrays quite a lot of emotions...Hahaz...I'm becoming a bit poetic....I'm still "living" in the world of Narnia...haven't got back yet....in any case, I really do strongly recommend you people to go watch it...opinions may differ among different people but I seriously think it is worth watching...I don't mind paying at the cinemas and watching it again you know...hahaz....so come and find me if you want to go watch it...it'll surprise you somehow...heez....Yupz, i'm only here to blog about Narnia......nothing else.....I'm gonna let my imagination run wild tonight..hahaz.......so...good night!
Oh man....I'm so pissed yesterday...while watching the Kua Nan Wan Hui yesterday, I went online and check for other taiwan places having Kua Nan....and guess what? There were a lot more places having kua nan too....and with stars singing too.....so I checked if the Channels I subscribed too have the LIVE telecast, but I only found 2 channels...including the present one I was watching...I was quick happy when i found out that the other concert have Fei Lun Hai, made up of none other than "Da Dong", "Ya Se", "Xiao Yu" and another not known guy...I was almost excited that I jumped all over the place lor......But came the bad news....the stupid ch 52 go and cut off the first 3 hrs of the concert...just because the ch is an Asian version of the taiwan Ch....I mean, can't you just put aside the other useless programmes and play the LIVE version of the concert?! F*ck lor....My Fei Lun Hai kana cut off for no reason....then somemore no repeat de.....LIVE de concert surely will attract more viewers lor....don't know how to plan de....I rather you cut off the back 3 hrs and don't show me the countdown lor....what's the point if I can't see my Fei Lun Hai?! Stupid CtiTV....stupid Ch 52....kao leh....cut off the show....I cut you off then you know.....if you don't repeat the concert in FULL length I curse you forever!! Shit! Damn pissed off.!Haiz...at least you don't show me that you have the Ch that cast the concert lar....I mean, if the SCV doesn't have I can take it lar.....but I found out that you have the Ch...then you never show the whole thing.....I'm sure to be pissed off lor....wth....Fei Lun Hai appeared in the Tao Yuan concert also.......but I don't have the Ch so ok....but they appear in the Tai Bei one...and I have the channel...so happy then found out that you only show half...ARGH!! My dad pay for the programme leh....what service is that man?! My god!!Anyway, ytd had a bit of wine...hahaz...so can say I was quite high....OK..I was very HIGH!! I had sparkling juice mixed with a bit of red wine...heez....it was pretty good....so basically ytd, whenever someone I fancy comes up, I start screaming and jumping...then the next thing is pray that they sing the song I like...and if they did, I start to scream again!! Cool right...I'm highing together with the crowd....hahaz....my dad and mum were constantly looking at me with that "crazy" look...I didn't care about it ytd...just too happy le...so many ppl came to sing...it was a huge event..........Hoping I can dl the concert somehow on the web....if not I'll just go mad again whenever I think about the LIVE show being cut off....aRGH!! there I go again......But I'll spare you guys the agony.......OMG OMG!!!! AH!!!!!!!!!!I found IT!!!!!!! LALALALALA~!!!! Hahaz....can watch the concert le!!!! Oh Man...WOO HOO~~!!!! Yeah BABY~...yEAH!!! *Come on...start dling pls?!*Hopefully I can really see them perform lar...I really do want to see their first time performance...see where they stand in becoming a great boy band...haiz...