Fahrenheit!!! AH!! Fei Lun Hai...saw them just now...on tv...with S.H.E.....hahaz....so cute lor....the 4 of them represent one part of the themometer....HOT is "Da Dong" (he's really hot!) , WARM is "Ya Se" (coz his smile is soooo warming!), the unknown guy is COOL (coz he look cool?!) and finally "Xiao Yu" is COLD (he IS cold looking..hahaz)...cute right?! Hahaz....and very suit them also..
Next, just watched Sky High...pretty cool...see so many people with super powers....hahaz.....then got one guy pretty hot...hahaz...literally hot.......anyway, I like the last few verses the boy said in the end...."My girlfriend became my arch-enemy, my arch-enemy became my best friend, & my best friend became my girlfriend!" Cute right? Hahaz...I got addicted to this verse lor...so funny...........Anyway, can go rent it on vcd/dvd...its out le....that is if you have the time to watch....can relax awhile...(take away stress?! not so sure..).....
Ya...my blog is getting crazier and crazier....cool huh?! Hahaz....want more pictures? I have one.....FAHRENHEIT!!!

PS: just brought down my MIEC texts from upstairs, but not bothering to read it today...Hey, at least it is an improvement right? At least I bother to bring it down and and.....leave it there. Whatever! Shall really start tml! *That is if I don't get distracted by anything again...Haiz...Why must the common test week be the first week of 2006?! Can't you just leave me alone first and let me calm myself down after the whole concert things?!*
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