I still haven't try to update my blog regularly...
haha.....must be due to all the shows I'm downloading and watching lately..
watch until I got sick..and it's like 1 week b4 school starts...
but it's not because of the shows I watched lar...
I probably ate lots of heaty stuff...haiz....
anyway....its been super junior mania since I first seen them...
not on utube though...haha....
its their "miracle" MV that caught me...
and I didn't purposely go download it myself...
somehow it was downloaded together with one of the epi of GUNG..
which had already ended quite some time ago...
saw some MVs that went together with the episode..
so I just download them all together....
but didn't touch the videos until GUNG ended...
which means, the MV was there for weeks left untouched...
in my laptop....til I was free to open up and see....
and what happens next?
Well, I got introduced to the world of Super Junior!!!!
They are considered a new group....
they officially came out on the 6th of Nov 2005...
one day before my dad's bdae..haha...
and I only got to know them this year...
I don't know what got me attracted to them in the first place...
was it ONLY because of their looks in the MV?
or does it include their dance moves, song, and how tidy their dance was?
imagine 12 guys dancing right in front of your eyes.....
you will somehow get attracted if their moves are tidy right?
anyway, they just came and hit me hard on the head....
and there I was...searching for their profile with much interest...
and of course I found them....
then I start to recognise each member through their profile pic..
I had some trouble recognising a few though....
cause somehow they look so alike...
then of course I straight away knew who was KI BUM...
haha....his was easy to recognise.....
then I got utube...haha...
it was practically like hitting gold under the sea....
there were lots of videos there....
and it was a good opportunity for me to recognise each one of them...
and I didn't spend a lot of time doing that....
I just run through almost all the videos hosted and watched them one by one...
then I got a sudden urge to learn korean...
cause all their shows are in korean...and I don't understand them...
so I start with knowing how to write their name first....
until now, I'm able to write their korean names,
I also learn how to pronounce each letter of the korean words...
I even know how to use the keyboard to type korean words...
the only thing is that I still don't understand what those meant..
so I went surfing through the internet and look for online korean english dictionary...
it was quite hard to find...but I finally found one reasonable one....
now I really wish that my hp can be read in korean...
And I wanna go to korea ASAP too!!!
Heard that they may be splitting up next year...
right now, all of them are going different ways...
like acting, hosting, singing n dancing etc....
but they are still called Super Junior...
where all 12 members are EQUALLY IMPORTANT!!
I'm gonna dread the day when they split...
so let me go to Korea and see them and buy their cds...
and watch their shows....and understand korean!!!!
Life couldn't get better than having 12 really good pals together....
and forming the group SUPER JUNIOR...
it's indeed a HUGE MIRACLE that they can get together....
and sing, dance, play, laugh, cry etc. together......
hopefully they will all continue to shine...
and tour Singapore ASAP!!
Hyung, Sa Rang Hae Yo!!!
Keep Fighting!!!
Their first Zhu Da Ge "Twins (Knockout)" costume!!
Quite some time ago...
when they officially came out...Cool right?!
Their "most frequent performing" song - MIRACLE!
This is their yellow custome..they've got other colours too!!
Same kind of jacket with same pattern...
but in different colours only...cool right?
It shows how many times they have performed MIRACLE already.
This is their original MV custome of MIRACLE..
Brown cum white colour...
List of colours they have since worn for performing MIRACLE on stage:
1. Brown cum white original custome
2. Orange (not really obvious)
3. Pink
4. Green
5. BLUE!!
6. Purple
7. Yellow (when they went to Thailand)
8. (Last weekend) Red
I may load up the other colour customes..
but they may not be as good quality as above...
cause I want all of them in the picture..heez....
so stay tuned!!!
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