Monday, July 17, 2006

No Promises

No Promises

Title of a song by Shayne Ward.
Not bad, want the song can get from me, heez.

Anyway, I was pretty over in my last post.
I apologise if I scare any of you all.

Just wanted to state what I thought of.
I may be very different in here compared to what you know of me outside.
Everyone has their feelings to let out.
Sometimes this is the best way for me to let out my emotions.
You people may think I'm crazy,
but I'm afterall a shy and closed up girl.
There have to be a way for me to let them out,
you wouldn't want me to bottle everything up rite?

Haiz...I'm feeling super negative now.
Nevermind, looks like I can only count on Super Junior.
No one out there will be able to cheer me up now.

This IS my life. No Promises.

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