Tuesday, July 03, 2007

FT Island

FT Island

Dunno is it I make myself too stress
or it produces stress itself.
Haha.also dunno what i toking about.
just seem to want to blog today.
I mean now.

FT Island.
Have been into them recently.
Actually only today.
Found their website in school today,
I brought my own laptop ok?!
Then searching through soompi,
came across their news,
apparently rumours has it,
that this grp of 5 guys,
ALL have gf.

Who wouldn't be shocked
and go look at their pictures?!
So I went into their main thread,
and saw some REALLY FREAKING
young pictures.
At first glance,
wasn't THAT hooked,
except I saw this one guy's pic.
LOADS of mysterious and cool look in it.
So I proceeded and look at their official webby.

Somehow the rumours are all fake.
BUT! They look kind of good.haha.
You know how some korean artists look
older than they are suppose to be?
Well, they are among those.
It's really amazing how they are ONLY between 1990-1992.
Which was the other shocking factor.
Make me feel super OLD lor~
Korean singers are getting younger & younger.
BUT, they don't look their age.
HAHA, they look more mature,
at least I know for Oh Won Bin,
(resembles Wang Dong Chen of Fahrenheit)
anyway here is their webby
for you to see their pictures.haha.

here is one of their recent perf
that I kind of like,
including the song and singing.
Hong Ki was superb with his voice.
Can't stand guys with those 'cry' voice.
He is the vocal of the BAND.
YUP.they are a BAND!
From the video,
Hong Ki (17) - Main Vocal (Kangin look-alike)
Jae Jin (16) - Bass (on the ground wif Hong Ki)
Min Hwan (15) - Drums (youngest: SUPER young!)
Won Bin (17) - Guitar, 2nd vocal, rap, harmonica
Jong Hun (17) - LEADER, guitar, paino.
'FT Island - Love Sick'

Feel so proud of myself.
Managed to recognize them so fast!
All within today ppl!!
Power right?!

Anyway, have been 'patronizing' soompi
pretty often lately.
Saw many nice pictures too.
(i'm on a look-out for more
cute and shuai korean actors or singers)
Kind of desperate bah.
Feel that I need to be 'satisfied'.
OMG.sound so RA.freaky!

I think I better stop here.
haha.blogging is making myself feel worse.
Anyway, I want my SJ CD~~
and I want more Xiaoyu bottles~~
(i want to have 100s of them staring at me!)
I want to meet SJ~~
I want...I want...

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