Super Junior Part 2
Here's Part 2.
(can tell my blog getting boring hor?
Seriously dunno wat else to blog.)

DOB: 28th September 1985
Role in SJ: The funny clown.
Current: Dancing, MCing, Rapping.
Part of the 6-member sub-group, SJ-T.
To me: How funny can he get?!
Seriously the joker of the group,
never fail to cook up something hilarious.
A really good entertainer,
and of course,
has got his own soft side too.
He may not be the good-looking
one in the group,
(he admitted to that too)
but he sure have his own way to impress fans.
He may not be the most popular,
but he definitely have a spot in SJ,
And my mum loves him~!

DOB: 1st January 1986
Role in SJ: Pumpkin Boy.
Current: DJing.
Part of the 6-member sub-group, SJ-T.
To me: He LOVES making pumpkin soup!
That's how he got his nickname.
If you want him to act cute,
he can do it with his big eyes.
If you want sexy poses,
he can also do it.
Bascially, he can be anything.
Haha.abit vague, but ya.
He has got the 'cute' voice too.
So he can do 'aego' very easily.
That translate to Sa3 Jiao1 in Chinese.
(Dunno how to translate to English.psps!)
Anyway, he is a lovable kid,
makes you wanna take care of him forever~!

DOB: 4th April 1986
Role in SJ: Dance coordinator.
Current: DJing, Rapping, MCing, Dancing.
Part of the 6-member sub-group, SJ-T.
To me: The lovable 'Po Sek Mi Nam'!
Translate: Precious Stone Pretty Boy.
(derived from Bao3 Shi2 Mei3 Nan2)
That's his nickname in SJ.
Precious right?!
Anyway, he is also the dance 'instructor' for SJ.
And, the rap lyrics for their
recent songs are ALL written by him~!
So cool, so talented.
He is also the first to cry when SJ recieved their VERY 1st award.
I believe he is the best dancer in SJ.
He also partners well with Lee teuk
on their radio show,
(SUper junior KIss the RAdio)
He is getting more exposure now,
compared to TWINS and MIRACLE days.
Doing great too~~!

DOB: 15th October 1986
Role in SJ: POWER guy.
Current: Dancing.
To me: He will always be remembered by me
with the guy who almost broke the stage.
Once in their interview or something,
they mentioned that Donghae is the most ACTIVE
when it comes to performing on stage.
All his dancing moves have POWER,
it will literally break the 'fragile' stage
if he was to dance for another 5 mintues.
He becomes all serious and POWER
and will want to give his all MIGHT
to give a good performance.
Of course, thats his cute part too.
Serious, yet sometimes look lost.
His dad passed away around the time
Heechul got into his accident last year.
His dad was the reason he stepped onto the stage.
His grandpa did not allow his dad
to go into the entertainment business,
so now his dad allowed him to follow his dreams.
So Donghae is realising his dad's dream at the same time.
Sweet right?!
Alot has happened during their career.
Many hardship, many disappointment,
many anger, & many unhappiness.
Of course, when you have downs,
you WILL have ups too.
No matter what,
in my heart, they are to BEST~!
Part 3 coming soon!
It's the last part~!
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